Test Cases for Electric Switch
Here !!! Important Test Cases For Electric Switch is given...
- Verify whether the user can press the button or not.
- Verify whether or not when the user presses the button "on" the bulb or anything connected with that switch gets on.
- Verify whether the bulb or anything connected with that switch gets off when the user presses the off button.
- Check whether the material used for the switch is as per requirement.
- Check whether the switch outer and inner sizes are as per requirement or not.
- Check whether the type of switch is per requirements or not (Normal Switch or MSB Switch)
- Verify whether the company logo is showing or not.
- Verify the smoothness when the user presses on and off.
- Verify whether the switch is properly fit into the board or not.
- Verify the switch functionality when there is a power cut.
Hope!!! The above Test Scenarios on Electric Switch are helpful For you...
QA acharya
Test cases for electric switch |