What is the Status Code?
The status code in Postman refers to the numerical code returned by a server in response to an HTTP request. It indicates the outcome of the request, such as information response, success response, redirection response, client error response, or server error response.
Status Code in Postman |
Types of HTTP Status Codes in API
There are 5 Types of Status codes in the API
- 1xx informational responses
- 2xx success responses
- 3xx redirection responses
- 4xx client error responses
- 5xx server error responses
1xx informational responses
100 Continue:
101 Switching Protocols:
102 Processing:
2xx success responses
200 OK:
201 Created:
204 No Content:
3xx redirection responses
301 Moved Permanently:
303 See Other:
4xx client error responses
400 Bad Request:
401 Unauthorized:
403 Forbidden:
404 Not Found:
5xx server error responses
500 Internal Server Error:
502 Bad Gateway:
503 Service Unavailable:
Hope!!! The above tutorial on Status code in API Testing is helpful For you...
QA acharya