Workspace in Postman with example : Create ,Delete, Rename


Postman WorkSpace: Create, Delete, update, Access permission

What is a workspace in Postman?

 In Postman, a workspace is a collaborative environment where you can organize your API development work. Workspaces allow teams to work together on API projects, share collections, and environments, and collaborate more effectively.

Types of Workspace in Postman

In Postman there are 4 major types of workspace

  • Personal workspace 
  • Team workspace
  • Partner workspace
  • Public workspace

 How to Create Workspace in Postman

How to Create workspaces in postman?

To create an empty workspace in Postman just follow the below steps.

Step 1: Open your postman app.

Step 2: Click on the New button.

Workspace in postman

Step 3: Click on the workspace option.

Step 4: Now select the blank Workspace option and click on the next button.

Step 5: Now enter the workspace details accordingly and Click on the create button.

  • Enter Workspace name accordingly
  • Enter the summary of the workspace accordingly
  • Select the access permission for the workspace accordingly.

Step 6: Now you will land your newly created Workspace.

How to Delete Workspace in Postman?

Follow the below steps to delete the workspace in Postman.

Step 1: Go to the Workspace Setting option as shown in Fig.

How to delete workspace in Postman

Step 2: Click on the Delete Workspace button.

Step 3: Enter the workspace name and Click on the Delete button.

How to Rename Workspace in Postman?

Follow the below step to update the workspace name in Postman.

Step-1 Select a Workspace from the workspace menu that you want to rename.

Step 2: Now Click on the workspace as shown in Fig.

Step 3: Now Clear the workspace name. 

Step 4: Enter the name you want to change.

Rename workspace in Postman

Step 5: Now click on outside your workspace will update you don't need to save anything.

Hope!!! The above tutorial on how to create a workspace in Postman is helpful for you...

QA acharya

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