How to install and Configure TestNG in Eclipse in Selenium


 How To Configuration TestNG in Eclipse Selenium

How to Configuration TestNG in Eclipse in Selenium 

TestNG Configuration in Eclipse

Just Follow the below Steps to Configure the TestNG framework.

Step 1: First Open your eclipse.

Step 2: Go to the help form menu and Click on Eclipse MarketPlace.

How to configure TestNG in Eclipse 

Step 3: Now Click on the Search box type testNG and Press the Enter Button from the Keyboard.

how to install testng in eclipse with marketplace

Step 4: Now, the TestNG For Eclipse option Will display just Click on the Install Button as shown in Figure.

Step 5: Now Click on the Next Confirm Button.

Step 6: Select the I accept option and Click on the Finish button. 

Step 7: Wait for Moment (TestNG is getting installed).

Step 8: Select the Check box and click on the Trust Selected button.

Step 9: Again Select the Check box and click on the Trust selected button as shown in Fig.

Step 10: Click on the Restart Now Button.

Once the eclipse is restarted the TestNG will be installed in Eclipse.

WOW!!! TestNG is Installed in your Eclipse.

How to Verify Whether the TestNG is installed/configured in Eclipse or not?

To Check whether the eclipse is installed or not just follow the below Steps.

Step 1: Open your eclipse 

Step 2: Click on the Window option and select the preference option.

How to Verify Whether the TestNG is installed/configured in Eclipse or not?

Step 3: Now type TestNG in the Search box and press the Enter button from the keyboard if TestNG Showing this means that TestNG is Installed successfully.

Hope !!! The above Tutorial on configuring TestNG in Eclipse is helpful for you...

QA acharya

Tags: How to download Testng in Selenium, How to configure TestNG in Eclipse, how to configure selenium in eclipse

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