How to Display all the Table From Database in SQL


How to Display all the Tables from a Database in SQL?

All the databases have their own SQL Statement to display all tables from the database in this tutorial we are going to learn How to get a list of all tables in a database? SQL Server, Oracle, and My SQL database.

How to display all the tables from a database in SQL Server?

SQL Server

In SQL Server we have four different ways to get all table names from the database.

Way 1: To display all table names from a database. 

SELECT table_name 
WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE'

Way 2: To display all table names from a database.

SELECT name 
FROM sys.tables

Way 3: To display all table names from a database.

SELECT name 
FROM sysobjects 
WHERE xtype = 'U'

Way 4: To display all table names from a database.

SELECT name 
FROM sys.objects 
WHERE type_desc = 'USER_TABLE'

How to Display all the tables from a database in Oracle?

In Oracle, there are three different ways to display all the tables available in the database.

Way 1: To display all table names from a database (oracle).

SELECT table_name 
FROM dba_tables

Way 2: To display all table names from a database (oracle).

SELECT table_name 
FROM all_tables

Way 3: To display all table names from a database (oracle).

SELECT table_name 
FROM user_tables

How to Display all the tables from a database in My SQL?


There are two different ways to display all the tables from the database in My SQL.

Way 1: To display all table names from a database (My SQL).

SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_type='BASE TABLE'

The above SQL Statement will display all the tables in all databases.

Way 2: To display all table names from a database (My SQL).

SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_type='BASE TABLE' AND table_schema = 'your_database_name'

The above SQL Statement will display all the tables in a particular database

Hope !!! The above tutorial on "Display all the column names from the database" is helpful for you...

QA acharya

How to Display all the Table From Database in SQL

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