Test Cases For Pagination


Sample Test Cases For Pagination

Test Cases for Pagination

What is Pagination?

Pagination Test Cases

How to write test cases for Pagination?

Here!!! Some of the important sample test cases for pagination are given...

  • First Check the pagination design and type.
  • Check whether the default page index is selected as 1 or not when the user lands on the page.
  • Check whether the system redirects the user to the first-page index or not when the user refreshes the page from another index.
  • Check that the page redirects the user to the next index when the user clicks on another index number.
  • Check that the grid and table are showing data on one page as per requirements or not.
  • Verify whether the index number getting changed or not when more data is added.
  • Check whether the selected page is highlighted or not.
  • Verify the default index page.
  • Check that the total count of the page index showing as per requirement.

Next and Previous (icon or Button)

  • Check whether the next and previous buttons are clickable or not.
  • verify that when the user clicks on the next button.
  • verify that when the user clicks on the previous button.
  • Check that the page number gets changed when the user clicks on the next and previous buttons.

First and Last

  • Verify that the first and last buttons are clickable or not.
  • Verify the pagination when the user clicks on the first and last Buttons.
  • Verify the pagination functionality when the user clicks on the first and last buttons when there is only one page.
  • verify the pagination functionality when the user clicks on first and last when there are multiple pages in the table.
  • Check that when the user clicks on the last button and then clicks on the refresh button.
  • Check that when the user clicks on the first page and clicks on the refresh button.

Hope!!! The above Test cases For Pagination are helpful for you...

QA acharya

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