In this tutorial, we will learn how to write website cookie Test Cases? We will also learn about positive test scenarios and Negative test scenarios.
- Session Cookies
- Persistent Cookies
- Check that no sensitive and personal data is stored in cookies.
- Check that any personal data stored by the web server in cookies should be stored in an encrypted format.
- Verify if the cookie stored by one website is not being used by another website.
- Verify if the website stores the cookie in the proper location of the browser's cookie storage location.
- Verify each of the browser cookie storage locations is unique.
- Check whether all functionality is working or not when the user disabled the cookies from the setting. the page should not crash when the user disabled the cookies.
- Verify that when the user deletes the cookies and tries to navigate on the same URL.
- Verify that when the user removes the cookies and tries to navigate on the same URL.
- Verify that when the user edits the cookies and tries to navigate on the same URL.
- Verify that the alert message showing or not when the user disabled the cookies and tries to navigate the URL.
- Verify that credit/Debit card numbers should not be stored in cookies not even in encrypted form.
- Verify if the website overuses the cookies in an application.
- Check that cookies written by one domain cannot be accessed by another domain.
- Check whether the cookies are being written correctly on all supported browsers (chrome, firefox, etc.)
The step-by-step process of testing website cookies is given below
Step 1: Disable cookies
Disable cookies from the browser settings and try to navigate the important functions of the website.
Step 2: Corrupting cookies
Go to the Browser setting and Manually edit the cookie in Notepad and change the parameters with some random values and try to navigate the Same URL
Step 3: Cookies encryption
Sensitive information like passwords and usernames should be encrypted and ATM Card details should not be saved.
Step 4: Cookie testing with multiple browsers
Verify your website page is writing the cookies properly on all browsers (chrome, firefox etc.)as expected
Step 5: Checking the deletion of your web application page
Verify whether the cookies are deleted from your web application or not
Step 6: Selectively reject cookies
Delete all the cookies for the websites and see how the website reacts to it
Step 7: Access to cookies
verify cookies written by one website should not be accessible to others
Step 8: No overuse of cookies
If the application under test is a public website, there should not be an overuse of cookies.
Step 9: Testing with the different setting
Testing should be done properly to check that the website is working well with different cookie settings.
Step 10: Categorize cookies separately
Cookies should not be kept in the same category as viruses, spam, or spyware
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