Sample Test Cases for Add FunctionalityHello Folks,
In this tutorial, we will learn how to write add functionality Test Cases? We will also learn about positive test scenarios and Negative test scenarios.
What are the Test Scenarios for the Add Functionality?
Here, Important test cases for Add functionality are given...
- First, Verify that the Add button is enabled by default or is enabled when the user fills all the mandatory fields.
- Check whether the user is able to click on the add button or not.
- Check that when the user clicks on the add button without entering any data.
- Verify the cursor point to the first field of a page when the user clicks on the button without entering any data.
- Check that when the user clicks on add button by entering valid data.
- Verify that when the user clicks on add button by entering invalid data.
- Check when the user clicks on add by entering partial data.
- Check that when the user clicks on the add button by entering the data in the mandatory field.
- Check that when the user clicks on the add button by entering the data in the non-mandatory field.
- Check whether the alert message for the mandatory field showing or not when the user clicks on the add button without entering data in the mandatory field.
- Check whether the confirmation message showing or not when the user enters valid data in all field and click on the add button or submit button.
- Verify that added entry showing on the home screen or manage screen or not.
- Check that the confirmation message showing as per requirement or not.
- Verify that the Colour of the button getting changing or not when the user hovers the mouse on the button.
- Verify the page lands on a valid page or not when the user clicks on the ok button of the confirmation window.
- Check that all the Elements are enabled or not when a user visits the page the first time.(Some fields may be disabled as per requirement).
- Check that when the user enters valid data in all the field and click on the save or add button multiple time.
- Verify that all the added data from UI are saved in the Backend (Database) in their respective column and table or not.
- Check that when the user clicks on add button and the user cancels the process in mid-transaction or internet issue, a power cut occurs.
Hope !!! The above Test cases for Add Functionality are helpful for you...
QA acharya
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