Test Cases For ListBox | List Box Scenarios

Sample Test Cases for List Box

Hello Folks, 

In this tutorial, we will learn how to write List Box Test Cases? We will also learn about positive test scenarios and Negative test scenarios.

Listbox : 
A list box contains mainly 3part - a container box, a list of items, and a label. whereas a dropdown contains a container box, a downward-facing arrow button, a list of items, and a label.

Type of list Box
There are four types of Listbox
  • Single Select List box
  • Multi-Select List Box
  • Multi-select List box with checkbox
  • Multi select list with check box and search box
  • Multiselect, dual list boxes
 Single Select List box
Users can select only one value from the single select listbox .it can be static and scrollable.
Single Select list box - Static and Scrollable

Multi Select List Box
Users can select or deselect one or more items by holding down the Shift, Command, or Control key while clicking on items. It can be static and scrollable.
Multi-Select List Box - Static and Scrollable 

Multi-select List box with checkbox
Users can select or deselect one or more items from the list box by selecting or deselecting the Check box. It can be static and scrollable.
Multiselect list box with checkbox

Multi-select list with check box and search box
Users can select or deselect one or more items from the list box by selecting or deselecting the Check box. And also user can search for the item from the list box and select it. It can be static and scrollable.
Multi-select Listbox with checkbox and search box 

Multiselect, dual list boxes
A multi-select, dual-list box allows users to make selections by moving items from one Listbox to another. Users can also reorder the options by moving them up and down in the list.
MultiSelect, Dual Listbox

What are The Test Cases For List Boxes?

Here !!! Important Test cases for Listbox were given.

Test Cases for Single Select List box
Here!!! Important test case for single select Listbox given...

  • First Verify that the dropdown is enabled or not.
  • Check that user is able to select the value from the list box.
  • Check that when the user tries to select multiple values from the list.
  • Check that list box showing value as per CRS.
  • Check that user is able to unselect the selected value from the Listbox.
  • Check whether the value getting changed or not when the user unselects the selected value and selects another value from the list.
  • Check the Number of items displayed in the list without scroll.
  • Check that when the user tries to select multiple values from the list.
  • check the color when the user hovers the mouse over the value.
  • Check the cursor pointer when the user hovers on the value.
  • Check the font, size, spelling, design, etc. 

if Scroll is there-
  • Check that user is able to scroll the list through the mouse.
  • Verify that the user is able to scroll the through arrow key.
  • Check that user is able to select the value from the list after scroll.
  • Verify that the list gets scrolled automatically when the user presses any key from the keyboard.

Test Cases for Multiselect List Box
Here!!! Important test case for Multiselect listbox given...

  • First Verify that the dropdown is enabled or not.
  • Check that user is able to select the value from the list box.
  • Verify that when the user selects a single value from the list.
  • Check that when the user selects multiple values from the list.
  • Check that when the user selects or deselects one or more items by holding down the Shift, Command, or Control key while clicking on items.
  • Check that the list box shows value as per CRS.
  • Check that user is able to unselect the selected value from the list box.
  • Check whether the value getting changed or not when the user unselects the selected value and selects another value from the list.
  • Check the Number of items displayed in the list without scroll.
  • Check that when the user tries to select multiple values from the list.
  • check the color when the user hovers the mouse on value.
  • Check the cursor pointer when the user hovers over value.
  • Check the font, size, spelling, design, etc. 

if Scroll is there-

  • Check that user is able to scroll the list through the mouse.
  • Verify that the user is able to scroll the through arrow key.
  • Check that user is able to select the value from the list after scroll.
  • Verify that the list gets scrolled automatically when the user presses any key from the keyboard.

Test Cases for Multiselect List box with checkbox
Here!!! Important test case for single select listbox given...

  • First Verify that the dropdown is enabled or not.
  • Check whether the checkbox is enabled or not.
  • Check that user is able to select the value from the list box.
  • Check that when a user tries to select multiple values from the list.
  • Check that when the user selects more than one checkbox and unselects only one.
  • Check that all the values of the list box getting checked when the user clicks on the select all check box.
  • Check that all the selected values getting unselected or not when the user unchecks the select all checkbox.
  • Check that the list box shows value as per CRS.
  • Check that user is able to unselect the selected value from the list box.
  • Check whether the value getting changed or not when the user unselects the selected value and selects another value from the list.
  • Check the Number of items displayed in the list without scroll.
  • Check that when the user tries to select multiple values from the list.
  • check the colour when the user hovers the mouse on value.
  • Check the cursor pointer when the user hovers on the value.
  • Check the font, size, spelling, design, etc.

Test Cases for Multiselect list with check box and search box

Test Cases for Multiselect, dual list boxes

Hope !!! The above Test cases of Listbox are helpful for you...

QA acharya
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