Test Cases for Time Picker and Time Field

Sample Test Cases for Time Picker 

Hello Folks, 

In this tutorial, we will learn how to write Time Picker Test Cases? We will also learn about positive test scenarios and Negative test scenarios.

How To Write Test Cases for Time Picker?

Here !! Important Test cases for time picker given

  • Verify whether the time picker is clickable or not.
  • Check that the cursor points to hours when the user clicks in the time field 
  • Check that the time picker is open or not when the user clicks on the time field
  • Check whether the user is able to select the time from the time picker or not.
  • Check whether the selected time showing in the time picker or not when the user selects the time.
  • Check the time format for the field 
  • Check that when the user tries to select or enter the time in an invalid format 
  • Check whether the user able to enter the time manually or not.
  • Check that when the user enters the invalid date manually.
  • Check that When the user enters the hours more than 24.
  • Check that when the user enters a minute more than 60.
  • Check that AM/PM if the time format is 12 hours.
  • Check that the cursor moves automatically to the minute from hours when the user selects the valid hours.
  • Check that the user is able to cursor move from hours to minute through the arrow key 

Hope !!! The above test cases for time picker are helpful for you...

QA acharya

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Test Cases for Time Picker

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