Test Cases For Search Functionality


Sample Test Scenarios For Search Functionality 

Hello Folks, 

In this tutorial, we will learn how to write Search Test Cases? We will also learn about positive test scenarios and Negative test scenarios.

What Are the Test Cases For Search Functionality?
Here !!! Important test cases for search functionality were given...

  • Verify the search functionality by entering the valid searched keyword in the search box.
  • Verify the results shown in the grid are as per the searched keyword.
  • verify the search functionality by entering the invalid keyword in the search box.
  • verify that when the user clicks on the search button without entering any parameter.
  • Verify the search functionality when using the copy and paste parameter and click on search.
  • Check the time taken by the system to display the result in the grid.
  • Verify the message when the system is not able to search for any result.
  • Verify the no of results on each page (if page indexing is there).
  • Verify the count of the searched result showing or not.
  • Verify the loading symbol when the page takes more time to display the result in the grid.
  • Verify the order of results is showing as per requirement or not.
  • Check that the user is able to edit, delete, or view ...the search result or not.
  • Verify the pagination, when there is more result in the grid than the default.
  • Verify whether the Next and previous functionality working as per requirement or not.
  • Verify the UI of the grid. (grid should be same as normal )
  • Verify the result when the user enters a partially searched keyword and clicks on search.
  • Verify that when the user enters only starts later and clicks on the search button.
  • Verify the search functionality if auto-suggestion is there.
  • Verify the search functionality when the user enters the negative value and clicks on search (try in all possible ways. (A-Z, a-z , 0-9 symbol, etc.)

Hope !!! The above Manual Test cases for search functionality are helpful for you ...

QA acharya

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Test Cases for search functionality 

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