Load Testing in Software Testing with Example

Load Testing In Performance Testing 

What is Load Testing?

Load testing is a type of performance testing used to determine the performance of an application under an expected load. The main purpose of doing load testing is to determine the behavior of the application when no user uses the application simultaneously. By doing load testing we can estimate that " how many users can access the application 

Performance testers do the load testing to determine the simultaneously" We do Load testing to ensure that functionality of application working fine or not when the system under the real load. Load testing is non-functional testing.

Load Testing Example 
Following are examples of load testing.

suppose we want to test amazon to see the response time for every user click.
: Login to amazon with thousands of concurrent users.
: Adding the product to the cart with thousands of concurrent users.
: Searching for products with thousand of the concurrent user.
: Making payment with thousands of concurrent users.
: Logging Out from the application with thousand concurrent users. 
Testing the load of the application manually is not an easy task we can manage the 100, and 200 max concurrent users manually somehow .but for more concurrent users we have to use the load testing tool to determine the response time of the application for the design number of the concurrent user.

Why Load Testing?
  • To determine how many simultaneous user can application or software is able to handle.
  • Load testing determines how many transactions can handle in a given period of time.
  • Load testing helps to identify where are the bottlenecks in the system.
  • Load Testing helps to determine the breaking point of the application.
Load Testing Goals
The goal of load testing is given below
  • Response Time: To determine the response time for the transaction. response time measures how much time the application takes to respond.
  • Resource Utilization: To measure the CPU and memory uses for application and to determine cpu maximization, and memory limitations.
  • Workload: To measure the performance of the system under various loads.
  • To determine the network delay between server and client.
  • To determine the server configuration issues.
  • To determine the design issues in the application.
 Load Testing Tools
Here list of the top 10 load-testing tools given

  • LoadNinja
  • WebLOAD
  • LoadUI Pro
  • LoadView
  • NeoLoad
  • LoadRunner
  • Silk Performer
  • SmartMeter.io
  • Apache JMeter
  • AppLoader 
Advantages of Load Testing 
 load testing advantage is given below
  • We can check performance bottlenecks identification before launching through load testing.
  • We can improve the scalability of the system by load testing.
  • We can minimize risk related to system downtime by load testing.
  • we can reduce the costs of failure by load testing.
Disadvantage of Load Testing 
load testing disadvantage was given below 
  • Tools increase the cost.
  • To do load testing requires programming knowledge.
Difference Between load Testing and Stress Testing
The basic difference between stress testing and load testing is given below.

Stress TestingStress testing Basically determines the application on its robustness and error handling when there is a heavy load condition. stress testing even tests beyond the normal load and analyses how the application works when there are extreme conditions. it is performed to ensure that the system would not crash when there are crunch situations.

Load Testing: The main purpose of doing load testing is to determine the behavior of the application when no users use the application simultaneously.

Hope!!! the above tutorial on load testing is helpful for you...

QA acharya

Load Testing in Performance Testing with example

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