Tell Me About Yourself Answer for Fresher

 How to answer "Tell me something about yourself " In an Interview?

Answer -  This is a very common question but one of the most important questions in an interview. The interviewer is completely unaware of you and your educational background. This question helps the interviewer to know you and your background (both academic and family).

The candidate needs to have a proper format in mind while answering this question because a very long introduction to yourself will make you feel bored in front of the interviewer and if it is too short then you cannot define yourself properly.

There are different formats for self-introduction in an interview which can be framed as per your background but I would suggest being very simple with it like-

⮚      Your name (Must start with “I am” or “Myself”).

⮚      Your native place name (I belong to…..)

⮚      Your current qualification (pursuing along with any internship and project(s) you did during this course ).

⮚      Your highest qualification (last you did before any other qualification along with your internship and worked over any project(s)).

⮚      Your Hobbies.

⮚      Your family details (only if asked by the interviewer because it's your interview).

 If the interviewer is already calling you by your name and asking to introduce yourself then you skip your name and start with your native place name by saying “Sir/Ma’am as you already know my name I would like to start by telling you about my native place” and the format goes on…..

The best example to Reply "Tell Me About Yourself Answer for Fresher " in an Interview 

Hope !!! The above answer of tell me about yourself helpful for you ...


QA acharya 

Tell Me About Yourself

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