Test Cases For Password Field | Password Field Validation

Sample Test Cases For Password Field 

Hello Folks, 

In this tutorial, we will learn how to write Password Field Test Cases? We will also learn about positive test scenarios and Negative test scenarios.

How to write test cases for password field

Here are the important password field validation test cases given...

  • Check that the user can enter the password in the text box 
  • Check that when the user types the password it gets encrypted or not.
  • Check the password field by entering the space.
  • Check the data type for the password field (Whether it accepts alphabet, numeric, and special char depends on customer requirement)
  • Check the alert message when have not entered the password as per requirement.
  • Check that if there is any progress bar (weak, medium, strong )
  • Check that the user is able to paste in the password field.
  • Check the max char limit for the char fields.
  • Check the functionality of the view icon (if the password is filed, verify that clicking on the view icon password getting displayed)
  • Check the asterisk symbol for the password field if it is a mandatory field.
  • check the alert message When a user leaves the password field blank.

Test cases for password and confirm password field

Some of the important test cases for password and confirm passwords are as follows...

  • Verify the password and confirm the password by entering the same value.
  • Verify that when the user enters a confirmed password it does not match to password.
  • Check that when the user enters the password it does not match to confirm the password.
  • Check that when the user enters only the password and leaves the confirm password field blank.
  • Check that the alert message shows or not when the user enters confirm a password that does not match to password.
  • Check that the alert message shows or not when the user leaves the confirm password blank.

Hope !!! The above password field validation test cases helpful for you 

QA acharya

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Test cases for the password field

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  1. You have done a great job but spelling mistakes are everywhere in your website
