Test Cases For Delete Functionality

Sample Test Cases For Delete Functionality 

Hello Folks, 

In this tutorial, we will learn how to write delete Test Cases? We will also learn about positive test scenarios and Negative test scenarios.

What are The Test Cases For Delete?

Here!!! Important Test delete functionality test cases were given...

  • Verify that the icon name(if the delete icon is there) showing or not when the user hovers the mouse over the delete icon.
  • Check that the user can click on the delete icon or button 
  • Check that the pre-confirmation message showing or not when the user clicks on the delete icon.
  • Check that when the user clicks on the Yes button then the record gets deleted and the confirmation message shows or not.
  • Check that When the user clicks on the No button from the pre-confirmation window then the page redirects to the manage screen or not.
  • Verify whether the Confirmation message showing or not.
  • Check whether the record gets deleted or not from the table.
  • Check the Spelling mistakes in confirmation messages.
  • Check the Positioning of the pre-confirmation message.
  • Check the button in the Pre-confirmation message (eg. Yes, No).

Hope !!! The above Test cases for delete functionality are helpful for you ...

QA acharya

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Test Cases for Delete Functionality 

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