Captcha Testing : Test Cases For CAPTCHA

Sample Test Scenarios For Captcha

Hello Folks, 

In this tutorial, we will learn what are the test cases for captcha? We will also learn about positive test scenarios and Negative test scenarios.

How to write test cases for captcha?
Here !! The important captcha test cases are given...

  • Verify that the Application should accept only Valid CAPTCHA.
  • Verify that the CAPTCHA code showing on the screen is visible to the user or Not.
  • Verify that the CAPTCHA code format(Captch should be in Image).
  • Verify that the CAPTCHA code is reusable or Not.
  • Verify whether the CAPTCHA code generates new code or not once the page is get refreshed.
  • Verify that the CAPTCHA code generates a new code or not once the user enters the wrong Captcha 
  • Verify that the copy-paste for the CAPTCHA code should be hidden.
  • Verify that the CAPTCHA code should be Case Sensitivity. (Upper cases and lower case).
  • Verify that the CAPTCHA code should not disrupt the other fields in the form once entered wrong.
  • Verify that the Application should display an alert message when using enters the wrong captcha code.
  • Verify the audio version of the captcha (as per SRS).
  • Verify that the CAPTCHA code should not be confusing. For (Zero and O )(numbers 6 and 9).
  • Verify that the application should not accept the partial CAPTCHA code as valid.
  • verify only the first and the last letter from the captcha Code
  • Verify By Entering the correct CAPTCHA code, followed by a random character.

Hope !!! The Above test case for captcha code is helpful for you...

QA acharya 

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Test cases for captcha

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