Test Cases For Change Password?

Sample Test Cases for Change Password Functionality

Here!! The important Change Password Test Cases are given...
Functional Test Cases 

  • Verify the Change password functionality by entering the valid old password and matching the new and confirmed password.
  • Verify the change password functionality by leaving the old password field blank and entering the valid new and confirm password.
  • Verify the password change functionality by entering the invalid old password and the valid (matching) new and confirm password.
  • Verify the Functionality of changing the password by entering the valid old password and confirming the password by leaving the new password field blank.
  • Verify the Functionality of changing the password by entering the valid old password and a new password by leaving the Confirm password field blank.
  • Verify the Functionality of changing the password by entering the valid old password and leaving the New Password and Confirm password field blank.
  • Verify the Functionality of changing the password By Leaving all the Fields (old password, new password, confirm password ) blank.
  • Verify the Change password functionality by entering the valid old password and entering only blank space in the new and confirmed password.
  • Verify the functionality by entering the mixed password  (Alphabet, Number, Special symbol).
  • Verify the alert message for the mixed password, when the user clicks on the change button without entering the mixed password if it is mandatory.
  • Verify the MAX and MIN Limit for the Password (As per SRS).
  • Verify the progress bar for the password field. (AS per SRS).
  • Verify the Password strength (Easy, weak . Strong)(As per SRS).
  • Verify the alert message when clicking on the change password button without entering the data in the mandatory field.
  • Verify the Confirmation message when the password has been changed successfully
  • Verify the alert message when the user enters the wrong password.
  • Verify whether the change password button is Clickable or not.
  • Verify the functionality of the change password button when the user enters a valid password.
  • Verify whether the reset button is Clickable or not.
  • Verify the reset button functionality by entering the Password.
  • Verify the reset button functionality without entering the password.
  • Other Test Cases for password change:
  • Verify that the change password page has the basic web element or not (eg. Old Password, New Password, confirm Password, change password and reset button, etc.)
  • Verify whether or not all the text fields (old Password, New Password, Confirm Password ) are mandatory. Mark with an asterisk symbol or not.
  • Verify the Placeholder for the text box(Properly visible or not, spelling ... etc.)

Hope !!! The above test cases for changing passwords are helpful for you...

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Test cases for change password 

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  1. Can we include below test case as for change password,

    "Verify the Copy and Paste functionality can be performed either from hot key like Ctr+C and Ctr+V or from context menu by right click from mouse."

  2. Hey , Thank You ! For your valuable suggestion , we will update soon once verified by the team.

  3. can we give old password in new password

  4. Usually No, it depends on requirements

  5. Thanks a lot, it is very helpful

  6. Thank you for your valuable comment.
